Why Korgen Associates?

Do you need help developing a pastoral/strategic plan for your parish, diocese, or organization? Would you like to determine the impacts of a ministry, including how effective it is? Do you want your staff to grow in their understanding of the most effective leadership models in ministry--relational invitation and servant leadership?Are you looking for an executive coach who is embedded in ministry?  Korgen Associates can help.

Korgen Associates offers ministry services to Catholic dioceses, parishes, and national organizations and universities in five areas:

  • Planning: Strategic Pastoral Planning Processes
  • Evaluation: Quantitative and Qualitative
  • Leadership Training: Engaging New Leaders, Relational Invitation Skills, and Servant Leadership
  • Coaching: Individual Short-Term and Long-Term 
  • Research:  Game-changing Areas of Ministry

Email us for a free consultation: jkorgen@korgen.associates